Friday, June 22, 2012

Suffocation &Friendship

It is Friday morning. Thoughts are running through my head. Last year this time I was in the Philippines. Doing exactly what God was calling me to do. Experiencing things, feelings, emotions, and physical limitations that I had never encountered before.

I leave Sunday fly out Monday and will arrive to my second family in the Philippines Tuesday.   A family that was clearly brought together solely by our Heavenly Father. It is a whole different place clear across the other side of the world!  I love this new family of mine.  They teach me so much more than I ever expected!  They truly know the meaning of how to live and WALK in the spirit! 

I am sitting like a child on the edge of the seat  waiting to feel that feeling I felt last summer.  The suffocation of Jesus' presence. LITERALLY.... SUFFOCATION.  I  really struggled when I got back last year.  I was warned by my two roomies/besties on the trip that I would come back a changed person. I knew this.... but thought I would be able to some how control it? WRONG.  I couldn't  help but yearn for that suffocation. I couldn't help but want my boys and husband to experience that feeling.

The hours and days are near and this year it will be different. Not in a bad way or good way but just different.  I have changed dramatically in my walk.  Mostly from where the Lord has me. What I have experienced as a mom and wife.  I have encountered new friendships that the Lord has BOLDLY placed before me for council.  Which I love because he knows every hair on my head and knows when I need something tangible.. A true wake up call or knock on the head.  I can see him now saying "My dear Amy. Oh how I love you is another rock solid friendship that will help you along your walk with me."  I love that Jesus knows this about me. That he knows my weaknesses, he knows my strengths.  My weaknesses is letting go of my control and trusting fully in him.   My strengths I am discovering as I grow by his side.  

It's funny how I can let go and trust him fully to fly clear across the other side of the world to share him with others but yet I can't trust him with the things here in my very own house! With the very human beings in my house?? Crazy Right?

As I fly off to this beautiful place where I receive my suffocation of the Spirit. Will you pray that I will seek out God's will for this particular struggle in my life? That I will let go of this control that I think I have and rely solely on Jesus alone?

Dear Jesus,
Thank you Jesus for placing such good friends in my life to lift me up and encourage me daily. Thank you for your living word.  No matter how many times I read it, it speaks directly to me and each time mean something different during each passing season you have place before me. I can't wait to see what you show me this time, as you have called me on this adventure once again. I am willing and open to what you have for me. It's in your Holy and Perfect name, Amen.

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