Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hey Everyone!

We have just arrived to our final destination! We left out Monday around 10:25 am and it is 6:13 on Wednesday.  The time here is 12 hours ahead.  We had a great stay in Manilla and headed to Davao today where we will now sleep and head out to buy the dental supplies in the morning. Kelly, Mark and I hope to start our clinic in the afternoon. We are going to actually do some fillings this time. I am very interested to see what we have to work with. Mark, the dentist, actually sent a dental chair about 6 months ago.  As most of  you know this is huge compared to last year.

For the next two days I am going to assist Mark. Then we he will do extractions for a couple of days while I get to take over the unit and chair to sit for  the cleanings! Last year I stood the whole time. We have taken the dental mission up several levels just with in a years time.

Off to bed need some major sleep!  Please pray that my titan (powered scaler) works. We should know tomorrow.  I got a email from John Van and they seem to be well.  Love from the Philippines!

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