What does Super Why have to do with potty training? Well here is the story of why this little guy is HUGE to me and my family.
We have talked with Gray about potty training and he was not interested AT ALL. His teachers had everyone trained but my little guy...NOT INTERESTED.
I would even say Parker and Sam are using the potty!
His response..."Yep they are."
I then just let it go and knew that I would tackle it during Spring Break.
I remember a dear friend trying to get rid of her sons pacifier. She knew he loved whales and so they took him to the ocean and gave it to the whales and he was great with it.
I was desperate and I knew how much my little guy loves this Super Hero.
This is how the story went....
Me: "Gray Super Why called me today and he REALLY needs your diapers for the babies where he lives."
Gray: His eyes as big as golf balls. "OTAY!"
Me: This Friday we have to mail all the leftover diapers off to Super Why. Big boy undies from here on out."
Gray :"OTAY"
Friday Morning arrives and...
I walk up to his room and as he is yelling for me.
I open the door and this was our conversation.
Me: "Gray today is Friday what are we going to do?"
Gray: "It is time to give our diapers to Super Why!!!" "Yes it is!"
Me: "That is right buddy".
It was the easiest thing I have ever had to do. We have had one accident that first day and haven't had one here at the house since!
Gotta love Super Why...... He will always be welcomed here at my house.
Such a cute story!