Griffin's Dan Doctor out of GA recommended that he get his adenoids and tonsils out. So, we did and we have already seen a difference in his sleep and his voice. The ENT stated that they both were very big and needed to come out. Griffin's new voice is much clearer not so muffled!

We waited 6 hours before the actual 30 minute surgery. Come to find out they go by age and Griffin was the oldest. He did fantastic. Mommy packed plenty of games;)

The recovery was the toughest. Two whole weeks with no school, no jumping or running and a soft diet. Let's just say he had plenty of grits and mashed potatoes. His classmates and teachers went together and got him this adorable frog. Their class is named the "Friendly Frogs". Now we have a new sleep buddy named Friendly. We are very glad to be back in school. Griffin had one of his best days yet Wed. Which was music to my ears! Way to go my little champ! Very proud of you!
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