Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Gray in 3K

We got the pleasure of having Gray's teacher come and meet him in our very own home!  I love this extra perk at his new school.  He is so excited and had his very first day today and loved it. He talked all day about all of his new friends and new toys:)
He is growing up way too fast and talks as if he is 20!

Some of his recent sayings:

Mom I am the adult today okay?
Just one minute mom (while holding up his pointer finger)
Amen. Let's eat! (after every blessing)
For just a little bit- (it goes behind everything! I will play cars for just a little bit, I will take a nap a little bit, I will eat just a little bit etc..
His favorite question? What you doing?
He loves anything that has to do with cars, airplanes, truck or helicopters but most of all TRAINS!
He loves Thomas but I think now he likes Chuggington better. KoKo and Wilson are his favorites as of yesterday. Wow. It is amazing how much he soaks in!

He still loves his sleep and always has his blue puppy for naps and nighttime and still sucks his little thumb....good thing I have dental connections.

He loves sweets, unlike his brother, and Loves chocolate most of all, also opposite from his brother.

He is a clown of the family and loves to laugh at his own jokes! It is so funny to see. He was eating something and started to call them Mommy Balls. No idea where this came from and he died laughing at himself. Repeating himself saying "these are mommy balls hehehe...."

He is either Very Loud or Quite. No in between.  More Very Loud than quite:)

He loves to pester his older brother and still LOVES his mommy. If I am around everyone else is chump change:)
 He is loving Sunday school and loves to go over what God made each day. He is stuck on the first 4 days.  1. Light 2. Sky and Water 3. Land 4. Sun, Moon and Stars

I always kid around saying that we had so many people praying for Gray not to have a speech delay, like Griffin, that the Lord heard every prayer and our result??. Much Fruitfulness! The child talks from the time he gets up to the time he goes down. Loving it!

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